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This exceptional coffee is the product of twelve years of tireless work on behalf of ouresteemed partners in Port-de-Paix. Cafe Cocano is a coffee and cacao producingcooperative in the northwest of Haiti. Arabica Typica coffee seeds were brought to Haitidirectly from Ethiopia. It has adapted to the unique carribean climate and HeirloomTypica now grows everywhere here. It is common for a family to maintain a coffeegarden. The coffee grown here is most often sold on the local market or to speculators.The obstacles to coffee production in the northwest of Haiti are immense. Naturaldisasters including earthquakes and hurricanes have effected many promising harvestsand basic infrastructure such as roads, electricity and access to water are limited andoften undependable. After the devastating earthquake in 2010, international aidinadvertantly introduced cholera to Haiti. Recent political violence has only exacerbatedan already difficult situation.Cafe Cocano president and each producing zones representative play a critical role in the pursuit of quality. Farmers bring their coffee cherries to their zone’s collection center. Zone reps evaluate and buy fresh ripe cherries. Cafe Cocano pays a significant premium over the local market price for these cherries. From there, they begin the work of processing and drying the coffee.We’ve travelled to the northwest regularly since 2011; visiting farms, building raised beds, tasting and talking together. We have worked together to identify and eliminate off flavors and have evaluated each lot of coffee produced since 2011. The great improvements in quality year over year has us excited and optimistic for the future. This coffee has an incredibly heavy mouthfeel, great sweetness and a beautifully clean finish and aftertaste.
PRODUCER: Various SmallholdersORIGIN: La Tortue, Anse-à-FoleurDEPARTMENT: Nord OestALTITUDE: 800 MASL AVGLATITUDE: 19° 93’ NVARIETY: Heirloom TypicaPROCESS: Pulped Natural
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