Mocca Sanani - Yemen Specialty Coffee



Yemen has the world’s oldest culture of coffee cultivation.  Coffee has been grown and brewed here for over a thousand years.  Prior to trading with Western Europe, Yemen’s coffee was enjoyed in the Middle East and Northeast Africa.  When coffee was introduced to Europe in the 1600’s Yemen was the only producer globally.  Yemen’s long history in the coffee trade is seen in language; the word ‘arabica’ was given to an entire species of coffee and refers to the Arabian Peninsula where the coffee was grown.  The word ‘Mocha’, or ‘Mocca’, comes from the name of Yemen’s port city.

Coffee in Yemen is grown on terraces built upon incredibly steep slopes.  Water scarcity and drought are constant issues and bore holes are dug deep into the rocky hillside creating access to water for each individual coffee tree.  Wild Ethiopia coffee seeds were brought to Yemen a thousand years ago and it’s coffee varieties have long since adapted to Yemen’s unique climate and terroir.

This lot of Mocca Sanani is incredibly delicious and, at the same time, an example of what coffee likely tasted like so long ago.  Freshly picked Jadi, Dawaery and Tuffahi coffee cherries are dried on raised beds and rooftops.  They are delivered to the Pearl of Tehama mill for final dehusking and export.  We love this coffee’s - and - character and invite you to bring this uniquely delicious origin home with you!

Producer: 400 Small-holders
Origin: Sana’a Governorate
Altitude: 1,000 - 2,000 MASL
Latitude: 15.4° N
Variety: Jadi, Dawaery and Tuffahi
Process: Natural
Mocca Sanani - Yemen Specialty Coffee
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